About a week and a half ago, acting on recommendations from a couple of List members, I moved the mount point for the "Auxiliary" mirrored pair I added from "Media" to the file system root, and it works quite nicely.

But a question: I'd like that mount point to show up in Gnome as something other than a generic folder icon. Specifically, as an icon I use generally for disk volumes in both Linux and Mac OS X, a photograph of a 1970s-era removable disk pack, stored in its pack cover (not sure if the picture I found is of a pack to fit an IBM "Merlin" drive, but it's the same general size and shape).

When I plug that icon into the mount-point folder's properties, it shows up as a disk pack. Until the system is rebooted. After a reboot, the mount point shows up as a generic document icon (the very last thing I would want a mount point to look like!)

What am I doing wrong?

(In no great hurry for an answer, as I'm going to be on vacation for two weeks, but I will be checking my email, and even though I'll be unable to actually *try* anything anybody suggests, I'll certainly be *looking* at any replies, and acknowledging them.)

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