This seems to be a black art, but I wonder if anyone has been able to get this to work consistently.

The computer is running Debian/Stable on an AMD64 system. It's older hardware and I've set it up for someone who speaks Arabic. I've included Plasma 5 because it does the best job with Arabic but also included LXDE because it works noticeably faster on this system. My goal is to use the same .conkrc for both desktops.

I got it to autostart on both using .config/autostart/conky.desktop, which starts conky with the -b -d options.

I'd got conky to work with own_window_transparency = yes when I start it from bash but the same settings produced a black background on both Plasma and LXDE when autostarted with the .desktop file.

When I switched to using own_window_argb_value = 0 (and associated other settings), I got a transparent background in Plasma 5 but not LXDE.

Can anyone offer any advice?

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