>> My chosen machine name was "localhost", problem partially lies here.
> Yeah, man.
> My uncle Harry had a similar problem when it occurred to him that--for
> reasons of simplicity and because of a failing memory--he might christen
> two recently-purchased kittens with identical names. Whenever he called
> one of them there would be a considerable delay (each of them assuming
> he was calling the other).
> Of course cats never come when you call them anyway (which is a clue
> the story may be apocryphal).
> BTW, did you get the memo?
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1912.txt

>From rfc1912:

  Translating into "localhost.dom.ain" can cause some
      software to connect back to the loopback interface when it didn't
      want to because "localhost" is not equal to "localhost.dom.ain".

Thanks for the memo. Seems the solution is to not call machine localhost,
if insist in doing so, be sure it contains a "localhost.localdomain" line
in /etc/hosts.

I believe topic is closed with this.



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