On Mon 18 Sep 2017 at 20:13:44 +0200, deloptes wrote:

> Reco wrote:
> > The question is - since 'localhost.localdomain' is special, what happens
> > if such hostname is chosen during the installation?
> well, now we all know what happens :)

True, we know the OP has a problem with with sudo. What we do not know
is the hostname he chose during the installation, although it looks like
it was "localhost" from the second line of       localhost                                                     

The installer recommends a single word for the hostname. The "single"
aspect is the result of a number of years of experience and bug reports.
Although "localhost.localdomain" is not an invalid hostname the OP does
not appear to have used it. (We have not been given the contents of his
/etc/hostname explicitly).

What was the problem with his resolv.conf? Have I missed that?


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