On Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 02:07:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 06 Oct 2017 at 17:41:23 +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> > On 2017-10-06 04:06 PM, Brian wrote:
> > >On Fri 06 Oct 2017 at 13:34:55 +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> > >
> > >>On Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 06:03:24PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Are you sure? You may be right - but double check to make sure...
> > >>
> > >>yes, i am very sure. double checked. the interface wlo1 exists.
> > >>
> > >>there's a procedure mentioned in the wiki which shows how to setup
> > >>wifi via wpa_supplicant through modifications to the file;
> > >>/etc/network/interfaces
> > >>
> > >>it's now working, but not automatically coming up, i still have to
> > >>manually issue 'ifup wlo1' in spite of having mentioned "auto" in
> > >>the configuration file for the "wlo1" interface.
> > >>off to check on that now, but if someone has any advice, please do
> > >>share, it would be most welcome. :)
> > >>
> > >>it kind-a sucks that the debian installer accepts all the wifi
> > >>parameters, activates the network only during installation and
> > >>then does not include that information for post install work.
> > >>atleast provide an option during the installation to accept the
> > >>parameters and have them persist after the installation is done.
> > >
> > >What DE did you install from the installer?
> > 
> > 'de'? desktop environment!
> > i did not install any graphical system, i prefer to work at the text
> > console, that's why i am on debian, else would have been on ubuntu.
> Not installing a DE is why connectivity did not exist. The outcome is by
> design but the reason for it it has never really been given. I think the
> idea is that, having not selected to install network-manager you
> definitely do not want what the installer has produced and desire to set
> up your wireless network with your chosen software. Which is precisely
> what you are doing now :). Please see the bug list for netcfg.
> For future reference: you can avoid being in the situation you have now
> by
> 1. preseeding with netcfg/target_network_config=ifupdown, or
> 2. making a note of the contents of the installer's interfaces file in
>    /etc/network/ *before* finishing the installation.
> As for your present issue:
>  allow-hotplug wlo1
>  iface wlo1 inet dhcp
>       wpa-ssid <station>
>       wpa-psk <passphrase>
> in /e/n/i should work.

tried it, no effect, on close inspection of the boot-up process,
the problem seems to be with the wifi hardware on my laptop.
it takes more time to initialize and hence when "allow-hotplug"
based commands are executed it isn't ready for work.

after letting the system boot-up, i have to wait a few seconds
before i can issue "ifup wlo1" and that too takes unusually
long to complete.

thanks nevertheless. :)


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