You can try withy any distro that contains Sleuthkit+Autopsy:

My advise is, if you can, make and image using dd from afected machine to
external HD  and work from another dedicated system to recover it (or you
can use and live distro like this one


2017-10-16 10:23 GMT-05:00 Richard Owlett <>:

> It wasn't backed up - will have to follow advice  advice I've given others
> ;/
> I've not done file recovery since early days of WinXP.
> On the affected machine I'm running Stretch(9.1) with Mate desktop.
> The affected folders are on a partition normally mounted by a line in
> fstab.
> I immediately shut down.
> There is another instance of Debian on a separate partition.
> Logging in as root I edited fstab commenting out the appropriate line.
> I feel the the data is still valid - there is just no appropriate
> directory entries for the affected folder and its sub-directories.
> Guidance please.

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