On 10/19/17 10:55, Gene Heskett wrote:
Since the last update to firefox-esr, none of the usual internet buying
options work, or even show up after you've clicked add to cart.

clamav also claims that ~/firefox/browser/omni.ja is infected,
with but several re-installs of firefox-esr has not affected that. Turned
into clamav, as an FP, it was ignored because I assume its not an FP.

Can this please be looked at?

I'd use chromium, but it does not remember firefox passwds that I can
find and recall for use again next week.

I buy stuff from Amazon without any problems on my Debian primary desktop machine:

2017-10-19 16:58:46 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ cat /etc/debian_version

2017-10-19 17:11:56 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ uname -a
Linux tinkywinky 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.51-1 (2017-09-28) x86_64 GNU/Linux

2017-10-19 17:12:46 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ dpkg-query --show firefox-esr
firefox-esr     52.4.0esr-1~deb9u1

Firefox add-ons:

    Privacy Badger

Disconnect and Privacy Badger settings are defaults.

I configure NoScript:

General -> Temporarily allow top-level sites by default -> Base 2nd level Domains.

    Whitelist -> highlight everything -> Remove Select Sites

I don't run anti-virus software.

When browsing, NoScript pops up a warning status bar at the bottom of the browser when the page tries to load JavaScript from other domains. I temporarily allow scripts from specific sites to get the site to work, as determined by trial and error (for Amazon, it's ssl-images-amazon.com). Sometimes, I need to "temporarily allow all".

I typically run only one instance of Firefox at a time, and close/ start a fresh copy often. When I want to do shopping, banking, government sites, etc., I start a fresh copy of Firefox, browse to the site, lower NoScript settings as required, log in, do my work, log out, and then close the browser.

Do a fresh install of Stretch on a desktop box, keep it stock, and you should do fine.


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