On 27/10/17 17:27, Ric Moore wrote:

> On 10/26/2017 11:21 PM, John Hasler wrote:
>> Celejar writes:
>>> https://www.linuxcounter.net/
>>> I don't know how meaningful its data are.
>> Utterly useless.
> I wouldn't demean the Linux Counter effort calling it "Utterly useless".
> Those folks have maintained the site since 1999 or so. It is what it
> is... a database of users who have bothered to have themselves counted
> as a Linux User. They don't claim to be anything else. Ric

I totally agree. It's pretty low to demean people's efforts at all but
especially people who are giving up their time to further a project dear
to us all.



"For 50 years it was like being chained to an idiot"
Kingsley Amis on his loss of libido when he turned fifty


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