* Thanasis Kinias ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031201 11:03]:
> BTW, if someone has compromised your system to the extent of being able
> to put a trojaned passwd in /usr/local/bin, he can put it in /usr/bin,
> too.

Not necessarily.  In order to put something in /usr/local/[s]bin, I just
need to get an account with group staff.  Depending on who's in that
group (and how many are in that group), this may be significantly easier
than getting root.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /usr/local
total 32
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 bin
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 games
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 include
drwxrwsr-x    8 root     staff        4096 2003-11-26 14:51 lib
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 man
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 sbin
drwxrwsr-x    3 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 18:10 share
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     staff        4096 2003-11-11 02:42 src

good times,
Microsoft has argued that open source is bad for business, but you
have to ask, "Whose business? Theirs, or yours?"        --Tim O'Reilly

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