On 16.11.2017 09:58, Sridhar M A wrote:
> Yesterday when I updated my system, I got firefox 57. It does appear
> to work faster. But, I noticed that the sites I frequent, do not
> display the text: distrocwatch.com, slashdot.org, gmail, etc. Removed
> $HOME/.mozilla and checked again. Same problem :-(
> The screenshots can be seen here:
> https://imgur.com/lwjhGGu, https://imgur.com/Jcdo1Wg, 
> https://imgur.com/KPyxmFN
> Anyone else facing a similar problem?
> If it matters, except uBlock, I do not have any other extensions. Even
> with the extension removed, the behaviour is the same.
> Regards,
I'm not experiencing this problem, but I use custom font-manager config
to set some fonts as a system-wide default.

Have you checked font settings in Firefox?
You can use this bash command to check what fonts are substituted for
default fonts in Firefox:
    $ for f in [sans sans-serif serif monospace];do fc-match $f;done

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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