On 16.11.2017 21:57, J.W. Foster wrote:
> I installed a new motherboard on a system that I run as as a server.
> Same system has 3 1tb disks with Debian stable installed, and 1 with
> Windows 10 installed, all booting at my discretion from grub. I was
> able to get all of the drives to operate, and Im using one for this.
> However I have noticed a crap load of boot error messages when I watch
> the system boot on anything except Windows, as it does not display any
> boot messages. As I said it's working but those error messages were
> not there before I replaced the motherboard, which was in fact
> defective. Both the old board and the new one are ASUS. I figure that
> I need to do some type of Linux maintenance reset, but as I have never
> done a replacement without doing a complete reinstall of all the
> software, I have no idea what to do. Any tips are welcome, and no I
> have not researched this online. I'm just seeking info from folks that
> have done this before.
> Thanks
> John
Can you show us what error messages exactly look like? It will be a good
Use this command to get system logs:
    $ sudo journalctl -b

Also, post full specs of your computer.

It is probably a good idea to check ASUS support site for a BIOS update
for your motherboard, as recent hardware is likely to be rushed to the
market asap and patched later.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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