On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 8:29 PM, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:

>> Actually moving on the Debian stretch I would not need anymore the
>> backports because the ZFS packages are included in stretch. So could I
>> just get rid of my backports APT source by deleting my list file
>> beforehand and then simply do a dist-upgrade?
> My personal recommendation would be to comment out (or delete) the
> old backports line(s).  If in the future you find yourself wanting
> stretch-backports (from buster) then add the new backports line at
> that time.

I think I will go for that variant as it makes the most sense to me.

What about third-party APT repositories sources such as for MongoDB,
Nextcloud, etc, would one simply replace "jessie" with "stretch" in
the sources files at the same time as for the official Debian APT
repositories before running a dist-upgrade?

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