On Sat 09 Dec 2017 at 10:17:45 (-0500), Ric Moore wrote:
> On 12/08/2017 05:12 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
>  Something I did *not* understand when I saw it in
> >operation was why a password was needed at the terminal but not from
> >within the GUI's "Applications > Log Out" menu path.
> Thank you Cindy, now I don't have to point out the obvious! :) Ric

I don't know what's obvious. I also don't know what is meant
in the above by "terminal". Is it a linux VC (pre-X/DE),
a VC summoned from X, a POX (plain old xterm) or some DE-moderated
terminal that I've never used? It would also be nice to know
what the command was that was typed. (I'm also assuming that
systemd was likely installed, and we're talking stretch.)

Sorry about all the alsos, but there are a lot of variables at
play here.


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