On Saturday, December 16, 2017 10:10:08 AM -03 Long Wind wrote:
> i create a vfat partition at sda7 using fdisk of linux
> partition id is set to b
It might be best to leave the partition untouched and set it up from WXP disk 
manager and then formatting it. WXP disk manager recognizes the partition as 
unused and allows to format as FAT32 or NTFS.
> then i go to XP and format it but fail
hard to say anything without the error message.
> maybe the reason is the partition is too big
for FAT16 or vfat yes. You need to format it as FAT32 or NTFS.
> it's more than 50G
> What should I do? Thanks!

> PS: the choice of vfat is that IMO vfat is more cross-platform
not really. VFAT allows long filenames - otherwise it is not better than FAT16.
That means it allows only partitions up to 2GB.
Partition max size for FAT32: 2TB
allows only files < 4GB

All the best to you

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