On 2017-12-23 at 20:47, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> Correction on that software package, it's called cclive and it
> downloads youtube videos and is a command line app for those that can
> handle the command line.

(Why did you post that _after_ the '-- ' signature-delimiter line? That
makes it unnecessarily hard to quote your post, at least in mail clients
which respect the signature delimiter.)

cclive used to be a better and more versatile option than youtube-dl,
but last I'd checked, it had been essentially abandoned some years ago;
the most recent post to its development mailing list by the person who
appears to have been its active developer was in November of 2013.

It's based on libquvi, which is similarly abandoned; the most recent
post indicating meaningful activity on its development mailing list was
in July of 2015.

Given how frequently some of the sites supported by quvi (including,
especially, YouTube) change their formats, and how many times quvi's
YouTube support got broken that way even while it was being actively
developed, I would be exceedingly surprised if cclive actually still
worked for more than a subset of YouTube videos nowadays.

I used to use cclive by preference over youtube-dl, but since quvi
development / maintenance effectively ceased, I've migrated over to
youtube-dl and have had no reason to regret the switch.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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