On 12/22/2017 08:46 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

Is there a reason why you replied off-list?


On 2017-12-22 at 20:25, Dan Norton wrote:

On 12/22/2017 02:23 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

On 2017-12-22 at 13:59, Joe wrote:
I don't go back far enough with either Debian or Thunderbird to
know why...
Unless I'm much mistaken, it's a Windows/Linux difference.

For obscure and probably-mostly-historical reasons, Linux versions
of Thunderbird and Firefox use "Preferences" under "Edit" as the
way to open the program's main configuration window, and Windows
ones use "Options" under "Tools".

"Account Settings" apparently follows the other menu option.

I vaguely seem to recall that once upon a time the Windows version
of the program(s) - possibly back in the days before Firefox, when
the unified suite was all there was - used "Preferences" under
"Edit" as well, and that they changed at some point for some

Interesting. You're not going to see Edit however unless you have a
Write in progress.
Eh? In the main Thunderbird or Firefox window - with the folder list,
message list, and (in my preferred layout) selected message - I most
certainly do see an Edit menu; it's right next to the File menu.

No File or Edit menu in the main window here.

 From the window where you read email, you can get to Preferences via
some mouse gymnastics and then to Account settings. This window
could use a tool bar.
No complicated gymnastics are required; it's simply Edit -> Preferences.
(I don't even know what gymnastics you're proposing.)

I installed Thunderbird on a netinst of Debian 8 and 9 using synaptic. Same result for both: no File or Edit menu.

What version of Thunderbird are you using? How did you install it?

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