On 2018-01-04 at 12:22, Curt wrote:

> https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/01/meltdown-and-spectre-every-modern-processor-has-unfixable-security-fladdws/U
> Windows, Linux, and macOS have all received security patches that 
> significantly alter how the operating systems handle virtual memory
> in order to protect against a hitherto undisclosed flaw.
> ...
> In the immediate term, it looks like most systems will shortly have 
> patches for Meltdown. At least for Linux and Windows, these patches 
> allow end-users to opt out if they would prefer. The most vulnerable 
> users are probably cloud service providers; Meltdown and Spectre can 
> both in principle be used to further attacks against hypervisors, 
> making it easier for malicious users to break out of their virtual 
> machines.
> ...
> For typical desktop users, the risk is arguably less significant.
> While both Meltdown and Spectre can have value in expanding the scope
> of an existing flaw, neither one is sufficient on its own to, for
> example, break out of a Web browser.
> Apparent moral of story for CPU: don't speculate (but it's
> significantly *slower*).

https://spectreattack.com/ has the best and most concise summary I've
seen yet, as well as links to various other places for in-depth details
(whitepapers and blog posts).

The situation as I understand it is basically that:

* Meltdown affects all Intel CPUs released since about 1995, except for
Itanium models and pre-2013 Atom models.

* Spectre appears to affect Intel, AMD, and ARM chips alike, going back

* Meltdown can be mitigated by security patches which people are rushing
out, but doing so has a performance cost, anywhere from 5% to 30%
depending on various factors.

* Spectre can only be fixed (or even meaningfully mitigated)
per-program, and doing so isn't necessarily trivial.

* Meltdown is relatively easy and straightforward to trigger, once you
know how.

* Spectre is harder to trigger and/or exploit, but still possible.

* Nobody knows whether either of these is being exploited in the wild.

is what looks to me like an "as near to layman's terms as we're likely
to get" explanation of how the Spectre exploit actually works.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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