
Richard Owlett wrote:
> I had tried "umount /media/richard/Debian 9.1.0 i386 1", but umount objected
> to the spaces in the file name.

Use quotation marks to make the directory path a single "word"

  umount "/media/richard/Debian 9.1.0 i386 1"

(It is somewhat astounding that you can mount /dev/sr1 several times.
 On ye olde Jessie kernel i have to use "-o loop" for the further mounts.)

> > > When I run Synaptic, it complains about a line in sources.list
> > >    file:/home/richard/Desktop/testdvd stretch main contrib non-free

In my /etc/apt/sources.list there is the word "deb" or "deb-src" before
the URL. man 5 source.list says:

   The format for a sources.list entry using the deb and deb-src types is:
       deb [ options ] uri suite [component1] [component2] [...]

This matches the complaint about "Type 'file:...'".

So if you don't have it yet in the file, then try prepending "deb"

  deb file:/home/richard/Desktop/testdvd stretch main contrib non-free

Have a nice day :)


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