On Mon, 2018-01-08 at 11:36 -0400, francis picabia wrote:
> > The DSA has been (will be shortly?) released for stable. Unstable,
> > testing, and likely oldstable will probably follow soon.
> > https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-4078-1
> >
> >
> >
> Thanks for the response.  I'm looking now and I see stretch and wheezy
> are
> addressed, but not jessie.  Odd.  Why would old-stable be a challenge?

It's a major set of changes that needs to be ported and tested. Perhaps
there we're more companies and distro's working on the 3.2 kernel in
Wheezy compared to 3.16 as used in Jessie. Or perhaps the latter port
hit problems, who knows.


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