On Fri 12 Jan 2018 at 21:29:34 (-0600), John Hasler wrote:
> rhkramer writes:
> > The Toy Story names have no inherent sequence to them, and fail to aid
> > in my (and I suspect several others) understanding.
> I dislike them as well and would also prefer numbers.  I never saw the
> movie nor had any interest in it so to me the names might as well have
> been picked at random from a list of Hindu gods.

I'm sure there's a project somewhere in the world that has done just
that. I don't think Intel expects their employees to have any particular
interest in geographical features.

> For those who prefer words, how about "One", "Two", .... ?

There's good precedent: the English aristocracy (though in Latin).
I notice there's an English politician who has revived the practice.
But it only works in one constituency (no pun intended), ie Debian.
Most projects take a larger world view.


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