On Sat 13 Jan 2018 at 16:56:05 (+0000), Glenn English wrote:
> Has anyone in this thread mentioned DNS yet?

Quoting RFC 1178:

  “There is always room for an exception.

    “I don't think any explanation is needed here.  However, let me
    add that if you later decide to change a name (to something
    sensible like you should have chosen in the first place), you
    are going to be amazed at the amount of pain awaiting you. No
    matter how easy the manuals suggest it is to change a name, you
    will find that lots of obscure software has rapidly accumulated
    which refers to that computer using that now-ugly name.  It all
    has to be found and changed.  People mailing to you from other
    sites have to be told.  And you will have to remember that
    names on old backup media labels correspond to different names.

    “I could go on but it would be easier just to forget this
    guideline exists.”


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