Pieter Van Isacker <pieter.vanisac...@lightspeedhq.com> wrote:

> While testing change a Debian Wheezy from 32bit to 64bit I ran into an
> issue. Following the guide on https://wiki.debian.org/CrossGrading
> <https://wiki.debian.org/CrossGrading> Once we've change to 64bit we
> plan to update to Debian 8 and then possibly to Debian 9

You are better off first upgrading to Debian 9 and *then* trying to
crossgrade. The packages in Debian 9 are more prepared for multi-arch
than the one in Debian 7.

Still, there is no guarantee it will work and for production systems I
strongly advise you to just backup the data and reinstall from scratch
as 64bit system.


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