On 2018-01-19 17:36 +0100, Kamil Jońca wrote:

> deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Kamil Jońca wrote:
>>> Another puzzle element: with libc6_2.25-6 (i386+amd64) reader works.
>> what puzzle, you said you compared all the libraries. I have in stretch:
>> libc6:amd64/i386 2.24-11+deb9u1
>> with which version it was not working and where libc6_2.25-6 comes from?
> I am using sid. And when is installed libc6_2.25-6 then acrobat worked on 
> both machines.
> when  2.26-4  is installed work on one machine, and does not work on
> second. 

A shot in the dark: this might be bug#887169[1], try the suggested
workaround of setting the environment variable


Good luck,

1. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=887169

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