On 21-01-18, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 02:02:07AM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > On 20-01-18, Jacques Rodary wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > How can I start iptables at boot. I don't find  an equivalent to  " 
> > > service
> > > iptables start" with systemd and does'nt know how to create a new
> > > iptables.service. The manpages aren't quite clear for me. Thanks for any
> > > help.
> > >   Jacques
> > > 
> > 
> > There are two options. One would be to learn to write systemd service
> > units. There are many tutorials on net for how to write those with
> > examples. Other would be to install iptables-persistent package. You can
> > find more about using iptables-persistent package if you google it, you
> > will surly run on few quick howtos.
> > 
> > 
> To get you started [addressing the OP], here is the service file I use:
> [Unit]
> Description=Load Iptables Rules
> ConditionFileIsExecutable=/etc/systemd/scripts/iptables
> After=network.target
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> ExecStart=/etc/systemd/scripts/iptables
> TimeoutSec=0
> RemainAfterExit=yes
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> This goes in /lib/systemd/system/iptables.service and assumes your 
> iptables commands are in a script which is called iptables, is 
> executable, and is located in /etc/systemd/scripts
> I must point out there may be Debian policies of which I am not aware 
> about where the files should ideally go; I lifted this configuration 
> from a non-Debian box. There is nothing about it that will _not work_ on 
> Debian, but there may be a preferred Debian location for such files, 
> which hopefully my contribution will encourage someone knowledgable to 
> add.
> then to run it once, as root:
> systemctl start iptables
> and to set it up so it runs at boot, as root:
> systemctl enable iptables
> Mark

Location for local custom unit files should be /etc/systemd/system but
it can be on several more places, if you desire so. It is just that
those in /etc/systemd/system take precedence over others.

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