On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 19:44:19 +0000
OECT T <oect_1...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello OECT,

>I just installed Debian Stretch 9.3.0 and noticed that the Aptitude
>package was not installed by default.

With a Priority of 'optional', it won't be installed at installation
time unless you specifically request that it be.

>I searched into Synaptics package manager and noticed that the package
>is not marked with the Debian icon indicating that the package is not

That's not necessarily what the (lack of) icon means at all.  It can
simply be that the relevant package is not in 'main', but resides in
either 'contrib' or 'non-free'.  Of course, obsolete and local packages
won't have the Debian logo either because they're no longer in the
repos.  In Synaptic here (on a testing machine, as it happens) Aptitude
has the Debian logo alongside.

In any case, aptitude is listed as available in Stretch, so I'm not sure
as to why you're not seeing with the logo.  See;

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
You can't go in if you don't look right
Outlaw - Chron Gen

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