
On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 20:31:36 -0600
David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:

> But the main difference between the old and new versions (upgraded
> today) is that the new version spews error messages from the
> configuration files, 152 of them in all.
> Here are the first few. (The program stammers.)
> Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'unicodeMap' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-arabic:2) Config Error: Some work
> needs to be done to suppport this option in the Poppler version of xpdf
> Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'cidToUnicode' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:2) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'unicodeMap' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:3) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'unicodeMap' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:4) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'unicodeMap' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:5) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'cMapDir' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:6) Config Error:
> Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the Poppler
> version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'toUnicodeDir' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:7) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf Config Error: Unknown config file command
> 'fontFileCC' (/usr/share/xpdf/xpdfrc-chinese-simplified:8) Config
> Error: Some work needs to be done to suppport this option in the
> Poppler version of xpdf
> This is a days-old installation of stretch 9.3 with ~/.xpdfrc hidden.
> (Talking of which, they do seem to have fixed many of the interactive
> commands (I use zoom, turn & continuous) that were missing throughout
> jessie.)

I get these same error messages here even when I open an empty xdpf
window, so they seem not to be related to the document.
Of course I cannot tell about the document you have, I have been speaking
only about the document the OP mentioned which works now with both xpdf
and qpdfview here.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Either one of us, by himself, is expendable.  Both of us are not.
                -- Kirk, "The Devil in the Dark", stardate 3196.1

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