> Hi, sorry to jump into the thread this late, I didn't follow the beginning.
> You can save yourself quite a bit of hassle by downloading the upstream
> up-to-date vanilla kernel 4.15-rc9 and compile that with Unstable gcc-7.
> All you need is there already and you will get as good a mitigation for
> Spectre as one can get right now.

​Is the 7.2 kernel in sid gcc 7 really gassed up enough to compile the
spectre fix in a way that the meltdown-spectre checker will say that the
compiler used
was adequate to make the kernel fix work properly?​ A backport from GCC 8
to 7 has to be made to make it work - I thought this was only done in

​Is the sid gcc now 7.3 as someone said earlier even though it says it is

I don't want to have to uninstall gcc 8 only to have to reinstall it again.


> After configuration you can use the build target "make bindeb-pkg" or use
> the "make-kpkg" command from kernel-package (to be installed and
> configured, the doc will guide you).
> Also you need basic build environment, and "libelf-dev" if you choose the
> ORC unwinder. For the build environment look at kernel-package dependencies.
> If you want to stay mainly in Testing but cherry pick Unstable packages
> (and benefit from apt/aptitude dependencies resolution) you can look into
> apt-pinning, giving Unstable package a priority of 101 should do the trick,
> something like:
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=unstable
> Pin-Priority: 101
> in /etc/apt/preferences, coupled with:
> APT::Default-Release "buster";
> in /etc/apt/apt.conf
> I would not pull critical packages from experimental unless it is
> absolutely necessary, dragons are lurking in there.
> Hope it helps.

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