On 27 January 2018 at 13:38, Michael Lange <klappn...@freenet.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 13:12:13 +0000
> Michael Fothergill <michael.fotherg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ​I think I will sign up on the gcc gnu help page and ask people if they
> > have a test case file I can run to 100% confirm the GCC 8 compiler is
> > running properly.​
> > ​Once I am convinced it is then the next stage is to try to talk to the
> > developers who maintain the make-kpkg program.
> are you still using gcc-8? Here this one didn't work at all for me,
> compiling always aborted early with compiler errors. It worked
> immediately though after I removed ggc-8 and upgraded gcc-7 to v. 7.3
> from sid.
> Regards
> Michael

​I have sent the kernel-source package maintainer the following email:


Dear Sir,

I understand that you are the package maintainer for kernel-source ie
make-kpkg etc. within debian.

I am running debian unstable (Sid)on an amd64 kaveri box.

I installed GCC 8 from the experimental repository.  I am trying to use it
to compile the kernel 4.14.15 using make-kpkg to use the fixes for the
meltdown and spectre vulnerabilities.

The output from doing this is here:


Make-kpkg did not create any linux-image file ......?!

I copied over the config file from/boot and ran make-clean and the
command:  yes "" | make oldconfig before running make-kpkg.

Kernel compilations I do in gentoo (I am a gentoo user as well as a debian
user) usually take a while.

This ran too quickly I think.

Something is not quite right here I think.

It might be that more dependent packages needed to be installed to make
GCC8 run happily.

As a result I have sent an email to the gnu gcc help site (
gcc-h...@gcc.gnu.org) asking them for a test file to check that GCC8 is
running correctly.

But, maybe you might say that make-kpkg needs to be upgraded in some way to
work correctly here and GCC 8 ran OK.......

The discussions on these two threads are relevant to this case:



We are all trying to compile kernels that defeat the meltdown and spectre

Comments appreciated.



Maybe will end up having to quit with GCC8 but it I am giving it one last
attempt here.



> .-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.
>         "It's hard to believe that something which is neither seen nor
> felt can do so much harm."
>         "That's true.  But an idea can't be seen or felt.  And that's
> what kept the Troglytes in the mines all these centuries.  A mistaken
> idea."
>                 -- Vanna and Kirk, "The Cloud Minders", stardate 5819.0

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