On Sat 10 Feb 2018 at 15:08:58 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 10 February 2018 11:57:38 David Wright wrote:
> > On Sat 10 Feb 2018 at 09:10:40 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > And despite my emasculation of udev, disabling sdd, according to the
> > > syslog, usbmount is still auto mounting these cards, all 3 of them.

You wrote:    ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

> > > So if I plan on working with these images on this machine with
> > > gparted, I imagine I had better find usbmount and remove its execute
> > > bits. But first make my baby some breakfast.
> >
> >  Oh my, what did you expect?
> >
> For something as potentially obnoxious as that, an easily thrown switch 
> to enable/disable it. It is NOT in /etc/init.d.

What isn't in /etc/init.d? What do you expect to be in /etc/init.d? Why?

> >  Package: usbmount
> >
> >  Description-en: automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage
> > devices
> >
> >  This package automatically mounts USB mass storage devices (typically
> >  USB pens) when they are plugged in, and unmounts them when they are
> >  removed. The mountpoints (/media/usb[0-7] by default), filesystem
> >  types to consider, and mount options are configurable. When multiple
> >  devices are plugged in, the first available mountpoint is
> >  automatically selected. If the device provides a model name, a
> >  symbolic link /var/run/usbmount/MODELNAME pointing to the mountpoint
> >  is automatically created.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David.
> No such critter on this wheezy box.

So how do you explain the above? This is getting silly.


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