On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 09:06:18AM -0500, richey goldberg wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been struggling with an issue trying to install 8.10 netinst
> (amd64) on an IBM x3550 M4.  When I boot into the install image I get
> the splash screen and install menu.  If I choose the install option
> the screen "flickers" like it's changing the screen resolution and
> then I just get a blank screen with nothing else.    The only option
> is to power cycle the server and start over.
Are you choosing the option for a GUI installation or a text-based

Have you tried connecting to the serial console to see if the output is
being sent there?  Or if you are already connected to the serial
console, have you tried connecting to the VGA output?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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