On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:51:50PM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> I have my own DNS config t so that my home LAN can access internet (with 
> SNAT) to "the" internet which I created under Redhat 7.2!  It did work on a 
> Redhat  box with Systemd, NetworkManager , and the bind9 RPM. On Debian the 
> bind9.service tries to start when the net interfaces are not ready.But  
> NetworkManager also tries to resolve DNS servers  still when the net 
> interfaces are not ready; so the external servers can't be joined and 
> /etc/resolv.conf ( a soft link to  /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf) has 
> no reference to wlan (man resolvconf, indicated in 
> /lib/systemd/system/bind9-resolvconf.service as Docu never was on my system). 
> So  I had to cheat with NetworkManager: I removed the link 
> /etc/resolv.conf, and edited the original one (created during installation) 
> with all my DNS servers ( the master server is on my box and can't be reached 
> before BIND (4, 8 or 9) is activated) . I also had to create a new profile on 
> my external interface with all the DNS servers.
> All this done (two or three weeks), I can launch named with my own 
> (chroot'ed) config, and then start netfilter and SNAT  
> with my config.
> I don't mind all this as long as I don't have to reboot, and cheat again.
>       Wouldn't it be a bug?

It's not debian's, bind's or the iptables fault that your setup is
unnecessary complicated and cumbersome.
The issue is your setup.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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