*       From: Greg Wooledge wool...@eeg.ccf.org
*       Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 15:01:42 -0500
> xterm -display :0 -e bash -c '. ~/.bashrc; wake'

You've lost me.  That command is for a wake function rather than 
script?  ~/.bashrc is necessary to declare the function before it is 
invoked?  What is the period preceding ~/.bashrc?

When that is invoked interactively, the xterm window opens and 
immediately closes.  No evidence of the wake function executing.

For the wake script, both of these work interactively.
xterm -display :0 -e bash -c '~/wake'
xterm -display :0 -e ~/wake

> It would be a lot simpler to put the script in ~/bin/wake though.

I'm happy to use a script rather than function.  Is the ~/bin location 
significant?  Would ~ work just as well?

I still want to have the alarm at a specified time.  Seems at should 
work but it has yet to suceed.

Thanks,                      ... Peter E.


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