On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 08:16:28AM +0300, Gokan Atmaca wrote:
> Hello
> I am installing as follows. But "ssl_crtd" is not found ...
> installation steps ?
> apt-get build-dep squid3
> apt-get install build-essential sharutils ccze libzip-dev libssl-dev
> apt-get install devscripts build-essential fakeroot
> apt-get install libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev  libssl1.0-dev
> apt source squid3
> cd squid3-3.5.23
> vim debian/rules
>  –enable-ssl (add)
> ./configure
> make all
> make install
> what can be the problem ? what do you recommend ?
You are editing the options in debian/rules and then not calling.  You
call ./configure directly.  After editing debian/rules, build with
'fakeroot debian/rules binary' or 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage'.  The
binary packages will be placed in the parent directory and you can see
them with 'cd .. ; ls *.deb'.  You can then install whichever of the
packages you need with 'dpkg -i <pkg1>.deb <pkg2>.deb ...'.

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Roberto C. Sánchez

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