If I ssh from one jessie system to another, I am noticing that
keyboard commands that should be received by the remote system
seem to live on and cause secondary responses that generally do
nothing but produce odd error messages but something is not quite

        As an example, I use one system as a terminal in to
another via ssh.  I will tell that system to start mplayer and
play a file and it does mostly just fine but if I, for example,
use the { or } to halve or double playback speed, I also see the
following message:
[AO_ALSA] Unable to find simple control 'Master',0.

        Obviously, alsa thinks I am trying to do something to
that virtual pot in amixer but the system in question has no
control named 'Master',0 so nothing else happens but many
commands to mplayer cause that same message to appear even though
the desired effect also occurred.

        I think this is not necessarily a mplayer or alsa issue
but may have something to do with the way the shell cleans up
after user input.

        This is all relatively recent so it has me baffled.

        Any ideas as to why or even better, what can one do to
prevent this behavior?

        I almost forgot that the terminal type I am using is
Linux on everything.  For many years, I used vt100 or vt102 as
the terminal type but then discovered that it was probably better
to use linux which appears to be rather vt100-like.

Any ideas as to what is happening and best yet, how to fix it are
appreciated as this is not a show stopper but in the category of
kind of odd and not supposed to be happening.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ

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