On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 03:20:11AM +0000, Long Wind wrote:
> maybe few users still use startx?

Depends on where you draw your samples from.  If you consider "all
Debian users", then you are probably correct.  The vast majority of
users probably use one of the Display Managers.

If you consider "those who respond to help requests on debian-user",
I think the fraction of those who use startx is significantly higher.

I use startx.

> i can't run startxthen i create .xinitrc:
> xterm &
> twm
> and it solve the problem
> it seems that i must have a local .xinitrc

In the absence of a ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc file, startx should
default to running the system's default Xsession, which should try
to run /usr/bin/x-session-manager (if that exists), or else
/usr/bin/x-window-manager (if that exists).

Did installing twm set your /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager symlink
to point to /usr/bin/twm?  If not, then perhaps that's the reason it

Nevertheless, I think most startx users do end up creating their own
~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc file, just because they tend to be the type
who like customizing things.

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