Le lundi 19 février 2018, 08:12:57 CET Reco a écrit :
>       Hi.
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 03:29:50AM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > Even if it did, the firewall have not come into play.
> > > Since the user saw HTTP 403 it means that HTTPS connection was
> > > established successfully, and a front-end (or back-end) webserver gave
> > > 403 code, which was transferred to a user.
> > > 
> > > >  Is it a web browser bug?  Nobody knows!
> > I was using Opera  browser,so quick,  but I just tried with firefox, so 
> > slow, but both mozilla, and the result is the same when google search ( 
> > which I don't use with  Opera)  gives me a lot of choices , all with 403 
> > result. My  public IP, is the one my provider ( 
> > free.fr=proxad.fr)  gave me.
> As I wrote earlier - try Tor.
> It seems that your network subnet was banned at wiki.debian.org.
> Reco
        I finally dared to install Tor an it works! So I will use wiki t o 
understand why the  "reply to" link in the list doesn't copy the subject 
'Re.;Re: < suject> in Kmail, as it did in Jessie without any setup by me. 
        Thank you all  for your time.

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