On Tue, 20 Feb 2018, at 19:42, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 07:36:49PM +0000, Jeremy Nicoll wrote:

> > Do you mean when someone outside the LAN is trying to connect to my 
> > machine?
> No.  It's for when you try to look up a hostname without a domain.
> For example, if your local area network uses "Greek gods" as its hostname
> theme, and your machine is named "hermes", you might try to "ping zeus"
> and see if it's up.
> In this case, "zeus" has no domain name attached to it, so the values in
> the /etc/resolv.conf file (search and/or domain) will be used instead.
> Suppose your /etc/resolv.conf contains this:
> search pantheon.gods
> nameserver
> Then your "zeus" gets turned into "zeus.pantheon.gods", and will be looked
> up in DNS (using the recursive resolver at
> (Unless of course it was already found in /etc/hosts or however you have
> configured your local /etc/nsswitch.conf to behave.)

Ah... light is dawning.    (Probably a god has created another world.)

I've only done pinging of other machines on the LAN before (using 
either Windows or RISC OS) with static machine addresses & named
pcs defined in each pc's  /etc/hosts  or equivalent.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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