On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:07:29 AM EST deloptes wrote:
> Hi,
> > I am a long time kmail user.  I have noticed significant improvment in
> > stability and the filtering of incoming mail.  I use the filtering
> > extensively.
> > Before the last release, at the beginning of a KDE session, filtering was
> > OK,
> > but it slowed down with use.  In the latest version, it is extremely fast,
> > and
> > it doesn't get slower with use.  The only "bug" I have found in this
> > version
> > of kmail (5.5.2) is that an occasional "ghost" message will be in a folder
> > and
> > can't be removed.  I store emails locally via IMAP--one message per
> > file--and
> > except for the ghosts, I am extremely pleased.  I currently have over
> > 126,000
> > messages stored and about 8 "ghost" messages.  I searched through the
> > individual files that contain the e-mails and I can't find files for the
> > ghost
> > messages.
> > 
> > 
> > If the attitude of the KDE folks is the problem, please remember that they
> > are
> > not full time KDE programmers and customer service is probably not their
> > strong suit.
> Look, either something works or does not work. Those bugs and KDE not
> fixing them is not acceptable.
> I know that they are not working full time or for profit. This is also not
> an excuse. Don't try to cover them and their attitude, please.
> It is pointless. When they bring up a working product, I will start using
> it and I mean working at acceptable level.
> Those problems you or others describe can not qualify the product as stable.
> I am willing to do some compromise on my requirements, but there is too
> much to compromise on, looking at KDE.
> And as I said - the biggest problem is their attitude. The attitude to
> release crap in stable and call it stable - call it whatever you want but
> not stable!
> > I don't know if you consider this a valid comparison or not, but:
> > In October 2017 (as I recall), my bank (which shall remain nameless)
> > announced
> > that there would be a new version of the on-line access software coming
> > out on
> > January 1st.  Then, around January 10th they announced that the upgrade
> > had
> > some unresolved issues, and would not be rolled out until February 1st.
> > February 1st arrived and passed.  The new software was put in place on the
> > 12th.  Since then, I have been unable to login to my account.  No help on
> > the
> > screen.  When I called last week, they said that they were ware of the
> > problem
> > and were working very hard to resolve it.  No apology.  They can tell me
> > my
> > balance over the phone, but that is about it.  IMO, this is absurd.
> > 
> > Well this is what I am talking about - KDE is exactly the same - absurd!
> I have to admit that KDE5 is much better that KDE4, but still - no stable
> and with that attitude and mind set, I doubt they will ever bring up
> something stable, which is really a pity.
> I was involved in couple of discussions with them back in 2007 or 2008
> after they released the KDE4 crap. Can you imagine this was 10y ago.
> regards


I respect your opinion, and the many contributions that you have made to this 
list.  You and I have both been more than annoyed with bad attitudes, you with 
KDE me with my bank.  I pointed out the problem that I had and how it has been 
mishandled, IMO. You mentioned "those bugs" but you haven't given specific 
examples.  Please give the examples.


Its not whether you win or lose, its how you place the blame...

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