I run MATE, but to paraphrase a restaurant - "I want Debian MyWay" ;)
It was suggested that I wanted what KDE calls "activities".
It looked promising. I installed it. It suffers from featuritis.
fvwm-crystal was also suggested. When installed it was in some sense "cleaner" but still too busy. Launched fvwm which had been installed by the fvwm-crystal package.

The problem
It had "inherited" configuration items from fvwm-crystal. The web pages I had read spoke of a default 1st run display. I could not figure out how to get that to appear.

Having adequate space available I used netinst to do a base command line only install to a new partition. It was followed by doing "apt-get install fvwm".

I rebooted expecting a minimal fvwm display. I got a command line.
I found that though a "/home/richard/.fvwm" directory had been created, it was empty. I couldn't find copies of what files should have been there on initial first run. Only instructions/examples for adding this or that doodad.

Help please.

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