flame,troll,spam was : ... for cracking a wireless password

i am 'deloptes' (flame) like others readers.
are we all wrong ?
*just a mental case

>  one is for sure, you need a good psychiatrist and lawyer
to michelle
>  I think you also qualify for the psychiatrist
to wilco

(> as 90 percent ... .)
it is a kid point of view (troll).

> wilco : i am a bit lost dealing with 'baltic' 'hitler' 'england 'nazi
'british' 'totalitarism 'stalin'... in what is it related at 'need help
on cracking wireless password '? (spam)

$ They are planing to enslave the WHOLE planet!
> Michelle Konzack : enslave is the goal of the underground (voyoucratie)
it is not french but a diaspora anti-france. it is coming from e.u not
usa, china, russia.
$ I am (an) ex-french military (soldier ?) and 'menaced' by the french
government to shut(-)up !
> Michelle Konzack : you are not 'menaced' (threat model:high) , if it
were the case , it should be yet done.
$ I know a little bit more then (than) you can imagine and what happen(ed)
to me
between 1983 and 2007 is definitively beyoud (beyond) your mind !
> Michelle Konzack : write a book !
je le lirai !

afaik, whatever the handicap or threat , the rules of the mailing-list do
not allow an illegal support like helping to do a hack (at your own risk).

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