On Tue 20 Mar 2018 at 15:57:03 (+0000), Curt wrote:
> On 2018-03-20, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Yes the package is libopenal1. I don't have the package in Stretch,
> >> though ffmpeg is installed.
> >
> > In my ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_stretch_main_binary-amd64_Packages
> > (39116092 Mar 10 03:33) ffmpeg says:
> >
> > Package: ffmpeg
> <ffmpeg depends on libavdevice57>
> > and libavdevice57 says:
> <libavdevice27 depends on libopenal1>
> > so how do you get around not installing libopenal1?
> **Important informational note: I am not the OP, posed no
> question in this thread, nor asked for any help (although I might need
> some). I'm only a lowly participant.**
> I'm sorry; I've sent you on a chase in which the goose is unfortunately
> wild.
> I do have libopenal1, in fact; I misread the output of "apt show libopenal1"
> earlier.
> Once again, apologies.

That's OK. In the absence of anything from the OP, I thought
that you might have downloaded something from backports or
that multimedia archive which can get you into a mess.
(In which case, you might have acted as a proxy for the OP.)


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