Thanks to all who replied! 

I thought I'd summarize where I am:

I like three of the suggestions (from what I've seen / investigated (slightly) 
so far, but with some comments:

   * pass: appeals to me a lot--the one problem for me (for which I believe 
I've found the solution) is that it stores the encrypted password files in my 
/home.  I have what might be called a "religious" aversion to storing what I 
consider "real" user data in /home.  I've looked at the source code, and I see 
where $HOME is used to create that directory.  If I use pass, I will, at the 
very least, modify that in my own copy, but also write to the author and 
suggest that he allow a command line parameter (or config file) change the 
location of the directory.

   * I like the approach that takes to create 
passwords and, iiuc, recreate them each time they are needed rather than 
storing them anywhere.  I'll read up a little more on that.

   * I haven't spent much time on keepass--maybe in the next day or so

   * I also like the approach suggested by Abdullah Ramazanoglu (and the 
somewhat similar Diceware), but I almost didn't find the emails from Abdullah--
for some reason my email client did not receive them--I've done a search of 
all the local email files (on my computer) (including trash, which I have not 
emptied in the last several days), and I've searched the Google email spam, 
trash, and all folders.  I'll be digging into this and possibly seek help in a 
new thread.

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