On Sun 08 Apr 2018 at 18:50:50 +0200, Mikhail Morfikov wrote:

> I've seen that people use something similar to the following rule:
> -----------------------------------------
> /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/20-udisks2.pkla
> -----------------------------------------
> [Allow morfik to mount devices]
> Identity=unix-user:morfik;
> Action=org.freedesktop.udisks2.*;
> ResultAny=no
> ResultInactive=no
> ResultActive=yes
> -----------------------------------------
> And this is a little bit better than the previous solution because it gives me
> the ability to specify users/groups , and only the parties can do some 
> actions,
> like for instance mounting a device (to be viewed via pkaction). The problem
> here is that I can't choose which devices should be accessed by the identity 
> --
> I'm able only to set which actions can be allowed.
> In the polkit manual[1], there's an example that would do exactly what I want.
> I'm speaking about this:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
>     if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.udisks2.") == 0 &&
>         action.lookup("drive.vendor") == "SEAGATE" &&
>         action.lookup("drive.model") == "ST3300657SS" &&
>         subject.isInGroup("engineers")) {
>             return polkit.Result.YES;
>         }
>     }
> });
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I bet there's also probably something like:
>   action.lookup("drive.serial")
> but I don't really know how to get those values yet.
> Anyways, I don't think the above rule can be used with the polkit version 
> that's
> currently in Debian, which is 0.105 . That rule can be used when you deal with
> 0.106+ , and 0.113 is available in the experimental branch, but unfortunately 
> it
> can't be installed due to dependencies problems.
> Is there a way to convert that rule somewhat or is this functionality specific
> to the polkit v0.106+?  Or maybe is there another way to achieve what I want?

Converting from the JavaScript to the old style? Probably not. Converting
the other way? Maybe.



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