Hello *,

very long time ago (17 years) I used 3Ware Hardware Raid Controller where
most are working up to now and they are not broken yet.

However, for all newer installations I use Adaptec and especially the
71506E which is a low-cost hardware Raid-0/1/10 Controller.  I have 8 of
them and now one is broken...  Grmpf!

I contacted the new owneer of Adaptec and ...

... was pissed off!

They simply claim, that this controller does not exist, even if I have
invoices and you find references on the Internet.  After I had a long
conversation with the support, they removed the references from the
Adaptec website...

WTF is this now?

They sugested me another 16ch Controller, which just cost 1800€ insted of
480€.  I do not need/want Raid 5/50/6/60 or other crap!  I need only
Hot-Fix and Copy-Back functionality.

Does someone has a similar experience with it?

Which Low-Cost Controller can I use now?

Note:   It MUST be a Hardware-Raid-1 Controller with Battery Backup and
        16 channels, because the Server-Mainboard has only one Slot.

Thanks in advance

Michelle Konzack        Miila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer     00372-54541400

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