On 22.04.2018 05:24, HP Garcia wrote:
> Does any else have a Debian installed on a pc with a Intel Sky Lake
> processor? Has anyone got it configured properly without any boot
> errors?
> Just curious.
> HP Garcia
On Sun, 22 Apr 2018 12:09:38 +0500
> What I am seeing after grub is APCI and PCIe errors. After about 10
> seconds the login screen appears. I found online a command to list my
> processor and this is what it gave me.
> Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
> Thanks in advanced
> -HP Garcia
Your CPU is Kaby Lake, not Sky Lake.
Assuming that you have some sort of laptop, I'd suggest you to update
BIOS\UEFI firmware first, if you can.
Download it from website of your hardware manufacturer. That could solve
some ACPI errors which are often firmware related.
Provide us with more information about your hardware and OS. Also post
some error messages you have.
Use this command to see all logged messages for current boot session:
$ sudo journalctl -b
Use this command to get basic system information:
$ uname -a

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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