On Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:09:44 -0400 Roberto C. Sánchez sent:

> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 04:18:01PM +0300, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
> > 
> > AFAIK it is still there untouched in git sources, as originally
> > mentioned in the bug report
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=896806
> > 
> > That aside, the question of whether it will ever get fixed in
> > upstream or not, is of secondary importance. OTOH, the fact that
> > official Debian developers and maintainers adopted a stance of
> > neglecting users' privacy is of utmost importance.
> >   
> That is a rather serious charge to make and one which is not supported
> by the evidence in this matter. Without a doubt there are personality
> issues, misunderstandings, and miscommunications. However, accusations
> of malice should be made with the utmost of care or not at all.
> > I had taken Debian Social Contract and DFSG for granted for a long
> > time. This thing forced me to review my assumptions about Debian.
> >   
> In what way? Debian as a project is made up of ~1000 official
> developers and thousands more contributors enaged in a variety of
> different efforts. To expect perfect conformance and adherence is
> somewhat unreasonable. People make mistakes.
> It appears that the issue here (with systemd-resolved) is most likely
> an honest mistake or perhaps an oversight.  Had Martin (the reporter
> of the bug) ended his bug report with the sentence, "Unless all four
> conditions are true, the default Google DNS servers are not used."
> and left out the last few paragraphs, I suspect the reaction would
> have been somewhat different. The fact is, however, that the second
> half of the bug report is essentially a screed against Google, is
> focused entirely on the "wrongs" of Google, completely ignores the
> fact that Google makes a great deal of positive contribution to the
> community, and also ignores the fact that quite a number of past and
> present Debian developers work or have worked at Google.
> A far more effective approach would have been to include a patch to
> the Debian bug report that effected the desired change. Even better,
> a patch should have been submitted to upstream that added a configure
> or build option to disable the Google DNS servers. Then the Debian
> bug report could have a included a link to the proposed upstream
> patch.
> Speaking as someone who is involved in maintaining quite a few
> different packages, my preferences for making changes to a Debian
> package are odered like so:
> 1. New upstream release
> 2. Patch created from commit made to upstream source
> 3. Patch created from patch proposed to upstream project
> 4. Patch submitted to Debian BTS
> 5. Patch I have to conjure up myself
> 6. Somebody screaming at me that I need to fix something
> Additionally, as the level of inflamatory rhetoric in a bug report
> increases, the more difficult it is to get motivated to work on fixing
> it.
> Regards,
> -Roberto
> -- 
> Roberto C. Sánchez

        After contemplation, my reply is:

Thank you Roberto. It's true that such thanks are insufficient.

Remembering, each time a program is used, that someone has taken the
time from other things in their life and done an enormous amount of
work. Mostly or always unpaid and oft taken for granted and continues
with this commitment so it runs smoothly, is hardly enough.

Like most people, I don't know who maintains most FOSS and other
software in Debian. Am usually too busy using the program to take the
time to look for the name of the maintainer.

As a wildlife carer on a fixed income, without any payment from
government, company or other source, caring for animals to release back
into their environment, always broke of course. I chafe at not being
able to give a donation to so many who are deserving.

As a grateful user of Debian, even if I had the time, like this text,
stolen from another task, I know nothing of writing code and am
probably now to old to learn.

So yes, thank you for what you do. The difference it makes to my life
is huge. I do think about, and thank everyone for what I have on this
machine which is 10 years old now and salvaged from a rubbish dump.

Stay well,

        Registered Linux User:- 329524

        Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important
        that you do it. -Gandhi


        Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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