On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 03:20:09PM +0000, Marie-Madeleine Gullibert wrote:
> Hello to all, 
> I'm relatively new to Debian. I'm helping out a small organization that has a 
> library server installed on Debian to update their system. They run currently 
> on Debian lenny so I'm first trying to upgrade the Debian system, but I keep 
> running into a GPG error when I try to first update. I've tried many things 
> but none have worked so far, and would gladly welcome any suggestions. I do 
> have debian-archive-keyring installed (and up to date) and I've tried 
> retrieving my expired keys from a two different keyservers to no avail. 
> Here's what happens (I'm running as root): 
> localhost:~# apt-get update
> Get:1 http://archive.debian.org lenny Release.gpg [1034B]
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/main Translation-en_US
> Get:2 http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates Release.gpg [836B]
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/main Translation-en_US
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Translation-en_US
> Get:3 http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile Release.gpg [481B]
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile/main Translation-en_US
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny Release
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates Release
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile Release
> Get:4 http://archive.debian.org lenny Release [99.6kB]
> Get:5 http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates Release [92.4kB]
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny Release
> Get:6 http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile Release [40.7kB]
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates Release
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile Release
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/main Packages
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/main Sources
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/main Packages
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Packages
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/main Sources
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Sources
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile/main Packages
> Hit http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile/main Sources
> Fetched 235kB in 0s (301kB/s)
> Reading package lists... Done
> W: GPG error: http://archive.debian.org lenny Release: The following 
> signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1520281423 KEYEXPIRED 1337087218
> W: GPG error: http://archive.debian.org lenny/updates Release: The following 
> signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1356982504
> W: GPG error: http://archive.debian.org lenny/volatile Release: The following 
> signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1358963195
> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Since you want to upgrade the installation to a later version, my 
suggestion is don't bother first trying to update Lenny. Just update 
your sources.list to the next release (was that Jessie? I don't even 
recall) and then update as usual.

Some releases had recommendations to use aptitude / not use aptitude, as 
opposed to apt-get, to do the update, I don't recall now if releases 
after Lenny did, but hopefully this comment will trigger someone else 
who does remember to chime in. Google may still be able to find old 
copies of the upgrade guides that are published with each new Debian 

The only other piece of advice I have is don't try to go straight to 
stretch or buster from lenny -- instead upgrade one major release at a 
time, as that path is better trodden and more likely to work, and any 
issues you encounter are more likely to have been well-discussed in 
places Google can find (including the archives of this list).


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