On 05/28/2018 02:14 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
In another thread I asked for text editor recommendations to address a
Later someone else suggested emacs.
My mental image of "emacs" was of something for a 'dumb terminal'.
I went to Synaptic searching for 'emacs'.
Got a hit for a metapaqckage - *NO* associated homepage.
Did a web search for 'emacs' which linked to
[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/] which gave no relevant answers.

The "documentation" link at the top didn't give you any clues?


Or directly to the manual itself:

There is also a print manual (still undergoing volunteer proofreading,
according to the "Purchase" link) -- you can get a free (as in beer) PDF
version.  It's 635 pages long.

The first line stated "Emacs 26.1 is out, download it here!"
Bu [https://packages.debian.org/stretch/emacs] refers to
"Package: emacs (46.1)".

And goes onto say that it's a metapackage that depends on emacs24; so,
in true Debian fashion, they're on what they consider to be "stable",
even if it means it's a few versions behind.

BOTHER to read links?????????????
Debian claims to be *20* MAJOR  releases *AHEAD* of source.

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