On Tue, 2018-06-05 at 13:06 +1200, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> On 04/06/18 16:39, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> > On Mon, 2018-06-04 at 11:07 +1200, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> > > On 04/06/18 10:03, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> > > > What produces the desktop image that is displayed immediately
> > > > after
> > > > resuming from hibernation?
> > > > When resuming, I see the following in order:
> > > >         1. the boot screen
> > > >         2. a blank screen
> > > >         3. the actual desktop (live or a snapshot of it)
> > > >         4. the lockscreen password prompt
> > > > What I would like to do is prevent the actual desktop, or the
> > > > screenshot of it, from appearing after the system boots from
> > > > hibernation.
> > > 
> > > - What is your desktop?
> > 
> > Stretch Cinnamon
> > > - Are you using systemd?
> > 
> > Yes, but that is not an admission of preferring systemd. ;-)
> > > - How do you initiate hibernation? Via the desktop or via a
> > > keyboard
> > > or chassis button?
> > 
> > By closing the lid, it's a laptop (asus zenbook)
> > > - Which screen locker do you use? (e.g. light-locker or
> > > xscreensaver?)
> > 
> > cinnamon-screensaver
> > > This looks like a race condition in which system is hibernated
> > > before your screen is locked. I saw this for suspend when I let
> > > systemd manage my power button. My solution was to
> > > edit/etc/systemd/logind.conf to set HandlePowerKey=ignore and to
> > > let
> > > Xfce handle locking and suspend and Xfce Power Manager / Security
> > > /
> > > "Lock screen when system is going for sleep"). I use
> > > xscreensaver.
> > 
> > I think you're on to something.  When I CTRL+ATL+L the system, and
> > then
> > close the lid, the post-hibernation resume works correctly (no
> > screen
> > leakage).  Unfortunately changing the systemd login settings didn't
> > seem to have any effect.  I'm comfortable not using systemd on
> > servers,
> > is it just as straight forward without it on desktops/laptops?
> I assume that after changing logind.conf you restarted (or similar)
> to reload your configuration.

Yes.  I tried reloading systemd, and then tried rebooting.

> What are your values of these logind.conf settings (commented
> defaults 
> listed)?:
> #HandleLidSwitch=suspend
> #HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=suspend
> #HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore

Everything in my default logind.conf file was commented out. Based on
your feedback I set these keys+vals but the desktop leakage still
occurs. :-(


> I have not used it, but you might investigate xss-lock to trigger a 
> screen lock based on a systemd hibernate event. Cinammon should do
> this for you, but it seems that it does not.
Thanks, I'll try xss-lock and look into filing a cinnamon bug.

Thanks for the help with this.

-Jim P.

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