on Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 12:14:03PM -0200, Leandro Guimar?es Faria Corsetti Dutra 
> Em Thu, 04 Dec 2003 10:46:12 -0300, Mariano Wahlmann escreveu:
> > i want to know if debian
> > has the an automatic update tool (like up2date), i read that debian use
> > apt
>       Which is much better than up2date.


> > how long did debian keep support?, RedHat keep releasing uptades for
> > 5 years for each version. Thanks.
>       Debian makes smooth upgrades, but doesn't keep support after the
> following version is released. You can contract it if you like.

More specifically:

Debian releases tend to occur at 1 - 2 year intervals (see below).
After release, the prior stable release continues to be supported for
security updates for a period of time.  This isn't officially stated,
but tends to be for at least several months after a stable release.  In
the case of "potato", Debian 2.2, support was continued for 12 months
following the release of "woody", Debian 3.0.  This was discussed in the
following summary of a survey of security support requests:


    To: Debian Development Announcements
    Subject: Results from the Security Survey last Year
    From: Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:17:05 +0100


    I will probably continue to support potato with security updates at
    least until end of June 2003 and I hope that the other members of
    the Security Team will do the same.  This means that we support
    potato for additional 12 months after the release of woody, which is
    much more than users can expect from a group of volunteers who only
    work on the system for the sake of it.


So that you're aware:  it's *VASTLY* more trivial to update Debian
systems than RH.  Part of the payoff of the long release cycle is that
_live_ system updates _work_.  On the rollover from old stable to new
stable, you simply issue:

    # apt-get update; apt-get -u dist-upgrade

...and your packages are updated.  There _will_ be questions, and in a
production environment, you're *strongly* urged to run the upgrade on a 
test platform _first_, to ensure your needs are met.  In practice,
however, It Just Work®.  Usually.  And if it doesn't you file a bug.
(see http://bugs.debian.org/ or the "reportbug" package.

And FYI:

    Debian Release Dates
    0.93R6          Oct 26, 1995
    1.1 ``buzz''    Jun 17, 1996
    1.2 ``rex''     Dec 12, 1996
    1.3 ``bo''      Jun  5, 1997
    2.0 ``hamm''    Jul 24, 1998
    2.1 ``slink''   Mar  9, 1999
    2.2 ``potato''  Aug 15, 2000
    3.0 ``woody''   Jul 19, 2002


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   Microsoft Outlook:  the security hole that happens to be an email client
   -- Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, in "How to avoid ILOVEYOU", May, 2000

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